Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hello all! I hope everyone is well and happy remembering their fantastic Thanksgiving dinners that I couldn`t eat! Seriously, it was pretty tough to see this day come and go without so much as a whiff of turkey. I did, however, have a lovely Thanksgiving celebration with my American friends (and one Canadian, but we don`t hold it against him ;) Those of you who know me know that Thanksgiving is a big deal in my family, so to honor this hallowed tradition, this year I decided to take up the task of making homemade stuffing Lawrence/Waterkotte style. And what a task it was! You should have seen me, guys. I layed out the bread to stale during the afternoon so I could guard it from the mice who live in our ceiling. I buttered and spiced it all by myself! I ran to the store to buy more butter all by myself! (and prayed the mice wouldn`t come snacking in the meantime) And I cut it all up myself with a dull bread knife. Then over to Jen`s apartment with a shopping bag full of precious ingredients (one hour on the train!). Jen and Marisa watched the sauteing of the onion and celery and the thickening of the chicken broth, and of course the mixing! They were duly impressed by this labor-intensive process, but it wasn`t over yet! I baked small portions at a time in the toaster oven using a tinfoil dish of my own construction. The top burned, the bottom didn`t really cook through, but damned if that stuffing didn`t turn out delcious! I was so proud :) Of course, by Waterkotte standards it was sub-par (you guys would have definately been disappointed with the wetness factor) but under the circumstances, I think I did a good job. And my friends agreed. Leftovers for everyone! I forgot to take pictures at dinner, so instead here are some random funny things. Enjoy!

Love, Erin ;)
Hi Honey, I'm so proud of you!!!
I am sitting at my desk at work eating the last of the stuffing, honestly. We expermented with pine nuts this year. Brian was so bummed. It was good but we won't sway again. I love your blog and you of course. Keep it up, I get a chuckle each time I read it.
Hi to Jeff,
Love, Aunt Shirley
Way to go Erin. It's a shame that you didn't have a good way to cook your stuffing after all that work.I'm sure it tasted good though. Try stuffing a duck! Keep writing. Love to you and Jeff. Mom
I'd like a taste of that stuffing Erin! Way to go! Miss you but you are not missing anything in York - skunky weather - snow ice rain - yuck! Thinking happy thoughts of you and Jeff - hope the package gets there soon and in one piece! Mrs. B
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