Finally, the first few pictures!

Hello everyone!! Well, I finally figured out how to post pictures on this thing, so here`s an update. I figure, even though it`s been two weeks already (can it be???) I should start at the beginning. So, here`s the four of us outside the Kansai Airport, happy to be on the ground after our exhausting 16 hour flight.

This is the massive rainstorm that we took off into in Chicago. I was definately more than a little nervous... thanks for the happy send off, America!

And, this was our first view of Japan! Note the man made islands. I believe the airport was actually on one of these.

Once we landed, rested for a while and took in the obligatory sushi and beer, it was time for exploring! Here`s a shot of Dontonburi, the Times Square of Osaka. That`s Jen in the foreground, taking in the sights. There are hundreds of restaurants, karaoke complexes, arcades, and pachinko parlors throughout this area (pachinko is a gambling game). There are also tons of shops selling the lastest fashion at astronomical prices. It`s a happening area, and a crash-course introduction to the absurdity that is modern Japan.
Speaking of absurdity, here`s an action shot of your American ambassadors (me, Jen and Kevin) acting a fool outside of the Umeda Sky Building. We didn`t get to go inside to get a view of the city, but we did ride an enourmous ferris wheel and got a pretty good view from there.
This city is huge!! It`s like this is every direction! Luckily, in the weeks to come, we will discover that there are quieter places. But, for now, everything is bigger than life and every square inch of this place is packed. Even underground! I think you could walk from one end of the city to the other purely using the underground malls. Here is a mall that we walked through that had life-size replicas of sperm whales. Only they`re red. Go figure. And on the right is the store where we bought our cellphones. Do you think they`re having a sale? I can`t tell...
Ok, this is already too long, but let me finish with a few parting shots. Here`s Jeff in America Mura, a part of town where they sell American fashions, reggae music, and McDonald`s burgers. I accidentally ordered a Teriyaki Burger at this place. It wasn`t so bad, actually. And this is the very well kept Tower Records in America Mura. I think some of these Japanese kids know more about American music than I do!
And what would a Japan trip be without a little bad English? Internet Cafe World has it`s mission statement posted here. It sounds pretty inspiring to me, don`t you agree?
Well, that`s all for this installment. I hope everyone reading this is doing well and if I know you, I love you and I miss you! Until next time...
This is Erin Lawrence, signing off :)
After much consideration, I accept your truse. To all reading this, you can check out more entertaining Osaka info at Jeff`s blog:
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